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Traditional Medicine

TRM is the sum of all knowledge and practices, whether explainable or not, used to diagnose, prevent and correct physical, mental and social imbalances, based solely on practical experience and observation, transmitted orally or in writing from generation to generation" (WHO, 1978).
TRM is the sum of all knowledge, skills and practices indigenous to different cultures that are used to maintain health and to prevent, diagnose, improve or treat physical and mental illness" (WHO, 2013).

Alternative medicine
Complementary medicine
Indigenous healing practices
Indigenous healing


Emotional intelligence originated around 1920, when it was described as "social intelligence" and first mentioned by the psychologist Edward Thorndike. Although the existence of this form of intelligence was recognised, little attention was paid to it, at least not with regard to intelligence tests. This is all the more surprising when you consider the importance of emotional intelligence and what it does in our lives.

What is emotional intelligence?

Put simply, EQ is understood as the ability to find one's way in the multi-layered world and to use one's "common sense".

And so EQ is clearly different from IQ, but it is no less important in our society for that reason.

Because IQ alone does not tell us how successful we are in life, let alone how we get along. Certainly, a good IQ is also an advantage, but that does not mean that we would be as successful or popular without emotional intelligence.
Emotional intelligence skills

EQ includes the following human abilities:

    Finding one's way in the world
    Assessing situations
    Forming relationships and
    Maintaining an upright position
    To be independent
    To perceive one's own and others' feelings correctly

The relevance of emotional intelligence

To show you how important emotional intelligence is, we want to do a short test with you:
You should think of a person from your professional or private environment who likes you very much. If you were to describe in 3-4 key points why this is so, what would you say?

You would probably not think first of all of how great this person's spatial imagination is. Or how consistently this person can put their things in order. But rather that they can listen, are always at your side, respond to you or are simply likeable.

Most of the time, we like a person because of his or her emotional abilities. Of course, intelligence is also important, but in this case it is not the primary factor. For example, the dependence of success in a job and IQ, with a percentage of 1-20%, is not as high as that of emotional intelligence, with a dependence of up to 45%.

Other skills of emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence also makes it possible for us to assess people in the first place. We can usually do this because we can identify their strengths and weaknesses, but also our own. Emotional intelligence enables us to reduce our weaknesses and build on our strengths so that people feel comfortable around us. Another characteristic of emotional intelligence, for example, is stress resistance.

The difference between EQ and IQ

IQ is generally understood as problem-solving intelligence. It is our ability to solve problems and tasks quickly and effectively and to find our way in unknown situations with the help of our thinking. The focus here is less on experience and more on recognising relationships. According to new research findings, IQ can be changed, but only to a certain extent.

This is in complete contrast to EQ.

Here, experience, wisdom, feeling and reason are in the foreground.

The EQ has a great flexibility and while the IQ decreases at an older age, the EQ only increases at an advanced age and hardly loses its value later on.

This is one of the reasons why the use of older people in the workplace is so valuable. Just as there is an IQ test, there is also an EQ-i test. Unfortunately, no combination of the two methods exists yet.

EQ and personality

Emotional intelligence, on the other hand, should not be confused with personality. The basic, static character of a person can hardly be changed, whereas EQ can be understood as spontaneous and adaptive. It can be applied in the respective situation and can also be learned.


1: Steven J. Stein,Howard, (2009), The EQ potential: emotional intelligence as the key to success, Wiley-VCH Verlag, p. 29ff.